Wrestling with Awkward Stories in the Old Testament

by | Jan 23, 2024 | Articles, Outside Scholars | 0 comments

In this article, Dr. Carmen Imes discusses how she believes we should approach the study of those difficult passages that many times trouble us when they are first read.  She uses the story of Jacob in Genesis 32 and his struggle with the angel to draw on how we should approach these types of passages.  She states, “What if we said, I will not let go of this until it blesses me?”

This is a great question and one which we should ponder as we study the Word of God.  In this article, she covers three keys to wrestling with the Old Testament:

  1. Consider the historical and cultural context
  2. Pay attention to the literary design of the passage
  3. Read with a diverse community

You can read the article here and learn how to use these three concepts as you study the Bible.



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