
A Hermeneutic Affair

A Hermeneutic Affair

There is a growing reality that many people aren’t just ignorant of the Bible and its stories, they are also skeptical of them. In this episode we’re discussing hermeneutics: what they are and why they matter--especially since hermeneutic is not a word most people...

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Whose Side Are You On?

Whose Side Are You On?

Why are we so desperate to have everyone choose a side or position? Today we take a look at religion, politics, political parties, and why we’re so anxious to impose our positions on others, and have them agree with us. PLUS -- More dumb dad jokes and coffee shop...

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I Didn’t Say That

I Didn’t Say That

Is politically correct speech driving you crazy? What if it's really limiting our ability to speak freely about the things that really matter? And what does an effective Christian response to political correctness look like?   We welcome your feedback: Check us...

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Blame Your Goats and Fishes

Blame Your Goats and Fishes

Blaming others is a natural and great way to push people away. If you want to create a dangerous environment where there is no trust and feelings of judgment--you can just blame them. This is part 2 in our conversation that began with Episode 12, The Blame Game.

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