In Seventh-Day Adventist theology, sins were not forgiven at the cross itself; instead, the cross served as the place where the atoning sacrifice...
Faulty Hermeneutics
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How Would We Identify Sin Without the Ten Commandments?
It's been longer than I've wanted since I last posted an article. I'm learning the importance of understanding how people arrive at their...
Sabbath Is An Eternal Sign, So You Must Keep It… FOREVER!
Should we understand the Sabbath as an ‘eternal sign’ described in Exodus 31:12-17? Exodus 31:12-17 serves as a foundational text for Adventists to...
Sin = Breaking the Ten Commandments???
There are numerous misconceptions, faulty assumptions, and flawed interpretations of Scripture within Adventism's Theological Framework. One of...
Adventism Is The Truth; Therefore, It Is Biblical, Right?
Adventism has a gnostic feel to its 'truth.' Let me explain what I mean. Gnosticism is a collection of ancient religious ideas and spiritual beliefs...