Many Covenant Theologians insist that Sunday has replaced the Sabbath and that the Old Testament Sabbath laws now apply to it. This claim has led to...
The Law
Episode 14: The Sabbath in the Book of Hebrews
The Book of Hebrews presents the Sabbath not as a literal day of worship but as a typological representation of spiritual rest. This approach is...
Episode 13 – Sabbath in the Epistles of Paul
Throughout Paul’s writings, the Sabbath is explicitly mentioned only once. Let that reality settle in for a second. Paul, the most prolific...
Episode 12 – The Sabbath in the Book of Acts
The Book of Acts mentions the Sabbath a total of nine times. However, an examination of these references reveals that none of them provide a basis...
Episode 11 – Sabbath in the Gospels
The Gospels highlight three major areas of conflict between Jesus and the Pharisees: His claim to be the Messiah His rejection of the Mishnah and...
Episode 10 – Summarizing What We Learned So Far
Summary of Episodes 1-8 There is no scriptural basis for mandatory Sabbath observance, whether from the claim that it is a creation ordinance or...
Ep. 9 – Is the Sabbath Law Moral or Ceremonial
The debate over Sabbath observance hinges on whether the Sabbath law should be classified as moral or ceremonial. While some maintain the common...
Ep. 8 – The Ceremonial, Civil, and Moral Distinctions
"The Law of Moses Has Really Truly Been Rendered Inoperative!" The New Testament unequivocally teaches that the Law of Moses has been rendered...
Ep. 7 – The Perpetuity of the Sabbath
One of the primary arguments Seventh-day Adventists use to advocate for mandatory Sabbath observance is based on passages in Exodus that describe...
Ep. 6 – The Sabbath: Is it a Creation Ordinance?
One of the primary arguments for mandatory Sabbath observance is the claim that the Sabbath is a creation ordinance established at the beginning of...
Ep. 5 – The Sabbath
The Sabbath functioned as the sign, seal, and token of the Mosaic Covenant. As long as that covenant remained in effect, the Sabbath law was...
Ep. 4 – Principle of Freedom
Believers in the Messiah are no longer bound by the Law of Moses. This means that they are not obligated to observe any of its commandments as a...
Ep. 3 – The Law of Christ
With the Law of Moses set aside, believers now live under a new law—the Law of Christ. This law, mentioned explicitly in Galatians 6:2 as “the law...
Ep. 2 – The Law of Moses Has Been Rendered Inoperative
The New Testament clearly teaches that the Law of Moses has been rendered inoperative following the death of Christ. This means that the law, in its...
Ep. 1 – The Mosaic Covenant and the Law of Moses
The relationship between the Mosaic Covenant and the Law of Moses has been a point of theological debate. Many who adhere to Covenant Theology argue...
The Great Controversy: A Biblical Evaluation of Adventist Theology
The Great Controversy is a central doctrine in Seventh-day Adventist theology, depicting an ongoing cosmic conflict between God and Satan over the...
How Would We Identify Sin Without the Ten Commandments?
It's been longer than I've wanted since I last posted an article. I'm learning the importance of understanding how people arrive at their...
Sin = Breaking the Ten Commandments???
There are numerous misconceptions, faulty assumptions, and flawed interpretations of Scripture within Adventism's Theological Framework. One of...
In Light of the Law
The Seventh-day Adventist Church uses many faulty hermeneutical methods to reach some of its doctrinal conclusions. In this article, we will examine...
1° Matters
Words matter when it comes to theological statements! The Seventh-day Adventist Fundamental Beliefs book, Seventh-day Adventists Believe: An...
A Shadow of Things to Come
Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a...
Jesus is the Only Transcript of God’s Character.
"Jesus Christ is the only human embodiment of God's character. As such, He is the only transcript of God’s character." Based on my understanding of...
Is the Law (the Ten Commandments) the Transcript of God’s Character?
Adventists argue as de facto that the Law of God is the transcript of God’s character. They do this by stating the case and then showing that...
Should the Laws of God in the Old Testament Be Divided into Ceremonial and Moral Laws? (Part 3)
The ceremonial Law of Moses has been abolished, but the Ten Commandments remain to be kept by all as God's moral law. This is accomplished using the...
Should the Laws of God in the Old Testament Be Divided into Ceremonial and Moral Laws? (Part 2)
The ceremonial Law of Moses has been abolished, but the Ten Commandments remain to be kept by all as God's moral law. This is accomplished using the...
Should the Laws of God in the Old Testament Be Divided into Ceremonial and Moral Laws? (Part 1)
The ceremonial Law of Moses has been abolished, but the Ten Commandments remain to be kept by all as God's moral law. This is accomplished using the...
Can we claim that the Ten Commandments are distinct and separate from the ceremonial laws?
The Ten Commandments are distinct and separate from the “ceremonial” Law of Moses that was written in the Book of the Law and placed inside the Ark...
Are the Ten Commandments a permanent, all-encompassing, and stand-alone law?
A common misconception in the Christian mind, and almost always in the Adventist framework, is the understanding that because the Ten Commandments...
Are the Ten Commandments, Especially the Fourth, God’s Moral and Eternal Law?
As many of you know, I was born and raised a Seventh-day Adventist. I've always had a bit of rebel in me and I've always questioned things that...
God Writing the Law with His Own Finger on Stone Makes it Eternal, Right?
The Ten Commandments are exclusively God’s eternal, inviolable, irrevocable, moral law that transcends all time and culture. They were written with...
Are the Commandments in the Old Testament Eternal?
The Ten Commandments are exclusively God’s eternal, inviolable, irrevocable, moral law that transcends all time and culture. They were written with...
Miss-understanding of the Law of Moses and the Law of Messiah
I'm writing more on the Law today! I'm realizing how important it is to get certain aspects of Bible Theology correct. What we believe to be truth...