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Not Your Normal Bible Conversation

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The Day After

Did you experience Election Day let down or excitement? What stood out to you as you watched the election returns? Plus, Mike and Ben debate if God really does determine the outcome of Presidential Elections (see Daniel 2:21). Plus, more bad dad jokes and fun coffee talk.

NOTE: We’re sorry that the video for YouTube failed us this week. We hope to have it back for the next episode. 

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Episode 124   |    42 mins

Testing the Spirits

Testing the Spirits

Dear friends, Don’t trust every spirit blindly, but carefully examine them to determine if they truly come from God, as many false prophets have spread throughout the world. (1 John 4:1) It's interesting that this verse instructs believers to "test the spirits" to...

Who is Lucinda Burdick?

Who is Lucinda Burdick?

Note: Lucinda Burdick and Ellen Harmon [White] were close friends during the mid-1840s. Mrs. Burdick, a pastor's wife, had many opportunities to hear Mrs. White's prophecies. This eyewitness account by Mrs. Lucinda Burdick was given in 1908 and notarized at the...

The Truth Will Set You Free!

The Truth Will Set You Free!

One of the most important and bravest moments of my Christian life happened two weeks ago.  A little context: a person's childhood helps mold them into the person they will become. Even the Bible makes it clear... right? "Train up a child in the way he should go; even...

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