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The Day After

Did you experience Election Day let down or excitement? What stood out to you as you watched the election returns? Plus, Mike and Ben debate if God really does determine the outcome of Presidential Elections (see Daniel 2:21). Plus, more bad dad jokes and fun coffee talk.

NOTE: We’re sorry that the video for YouTube failed us this week. We hope to have it back for the next episode. 

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Episode 124   |    42 mins

Did the Catholic Church Change the Sabbath to Sunday?

Did the Catholic Church Change the Sabbath to Sunday?

Seventh-day Adventists claim that the weekly Sabbath was changed by Rome and needs to be restored. This idea was first made popular by Ellen G. White and the early founders of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. [1] And yet, everything Ellen G. White and the Seventh-day...

History is History!  Right?

History is History! Right?

History is History. Right? And when we learn about church history from the Church, it's consistently accurate! Right? As a kid, I remember sitting in many SDA Revelation Seminars and learning about the "change of the Sabbath day" from Sabbath to Sunday. As many of my...

A Shadow of Things to Come

A Shadow of Things to Come

Therefore let no one pass judgment on you in questions of food and drink, or with regard to a festival or a new moon or a Sabbath. 17 These are a shadow of the things to come, but the substance belongs to Christ. (Col 2:16–17) It's both spiritually energizing and...

The Blessings of the Law of Messiah

The Blessings of the Law of Messiah

You've heard me speak about the stark contrast between the Law of Moses (Mosaic Law) and the Law of Messiah. Many of you have expressed a desire for a deeper understanding of the Law of Messiah, and I'm here to share some thoughts on this profound theological...

Jesus is the Only Transcript of God’s Character.

Jesus is the Only Transcript of God’s Character.

"Jesus Christ is the only human embodiment of God's character. As such, He is the only transcript of God’s character." Based on my understanding of what Scripture teaches and how many of the authors theologize about Jesus in the New Testament, He is the only Person...

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