This is the second time that I have listened to you two guys discuss seven-day Adventism
And just now I’m listening to where you’re telling about how much involved you are in the church. That is difficult and I am there. I also am the church musician friends. I don’t have any family there, but I feel strongly that God is telling me to hear the truth and not be a part of this church anymore. I’ve been there about seven years. I am a former Baptist Church so ask me what am I doing there? I’m asking myself that same question Thank you for what you’re doing. It’s helping me a lot. Mike really appreciate the way you dig into the scriptures and how you search them out and explain them through all of my life and going to Baptist Bible College. I I’ve never heard anyone that I can recall dig into the Scriptures like you do so thank you for it. I wanna hear more from you.
So grateful to hear your thoughts. I feel honored and blessed to be able to share the Word of God with others. It’s feedback like yours that helps me keep pushing forward in the midst of so many others that degrade and try to undermine the simple and honest study of the Scriptures. Keep studying and let me know if I can help in any way! God bless!
Two ladies from my church took me on a hike so that they could talk to me about the fact that I was wearing jewelry
It wasn’t flamboyant kind of jewelry just very small little earrings, and sometimes I wear my pearls that my mother gave me. During our conversation as they were trying to lead me in the direction that they wanted me in, they said among many other things if you join our club, you should do what the rules are saying one thing I haven’t joined your club and for another thing you don’t want me to wear sparkly things on my ears, but I’m telling you what if you girls wear all those sparkles on your shoes what you wear on your shoes I wear sparkles on my ears and we basically left it that Way I hypocrites I would call not really practicing what our Lord wants. They were only trying to practice with the SDA Church says that you have to do their way. By the way, that’s the reason I’m leaving the church because of the jewelry The Very next sabbath, I started to my car stopped and went back and made sure I put my jewelry on. I don’t wear it very often, but I made sure I wore it then.
– The Angel of the LORD: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study by Douglas Van Dorn and Matt Foreman
– The White Lie by Walter T. Rea
– Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil by John C. Peckham
– John’s Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation: Notes from the Naked Bible Podcast by Michael S. Heiser
– and The Naked Bible Podcast
I think those were the specific books… but there have been SO MANY more that have made a significant impact on my spiritual walk and journey out of Adventism!
This is the second time that I have listened to you two guys discuss seven-day Adventism
And just now I’m listening to where you’re telling about how much involved you are in the church. That is difficult and I am there. I also am the church musician friends. I don’t have any family there, but I feel strongly that God is telling me to hear the truth and not be a part of this church anymore. I’ve been there about seven years. I am a former Baptist Church so ask me what am I doing there? I’m asking myself that same question Thank you for what you’re doing. It’s helping me a lot. Mike really appreciate the way you dig into the scriptures and how you search them out and explain them through all of my life and going to Baptist Bible College. I I’ve never heard anyone that I can recall dig into the Scriptures like you do so thank you for it. I wanna hear more from you.
So grateful to hear your thoughts. I feel honored and blessed to be able to share the Word of God with others. It’s feedback like yours that helps me keep pushing forward in the midst of so many others that degrade and try to undermine the simple and honest study of the Scriptures. Keep studying and let me know if I can help in any way! God bless!
Two ladies from my church took me on a hike so that they could talk to me about the fact that I was wearing jewelry
It wasn’t flamboyant kind of jewelry just very small little earrings, and sometimes I wear my pearls that my mother gave me. During our conversation as they were trying to lead me in the direction that they wanted me in, they said among many other things if you join our club, you should do what the rules are saying one thing I haven’t joined your club and for another thing you don’t want me to wear sparkly things on my ears, but I’m telling you what if you girls wear all those sparkles on your shoes what you wear on your shoes I wear sparkles on my ears and we basically left it that Way I hypocrites I would call not really practicing what our Lord wants. They were only trying to practice with the SDA Church says that you have to do their way. By the way, that’s the reason I’m leaving the church because of the jewelry The Very next sabbath, I started to my car stopped and went back and made sure I put my jewelry on. I don’t wear it very often, but I made sure I wore it then.
Give me a list of the books you guy’s mentioned please
– The Angel of the LORD: A Biblical, Historical, and Theological Study by Douglas Van Dorn and Matt Foreman
– The White Lie by Walter T. Rea
– Theodicy of Love: Cosmic Conflict and the Problem of Evil by John C. Peckham
– John’s Use of the Old Testament in the Book of Revelation: Notes from the Naked Bible Podcast by Michael S. Heiser
– and The Naked Bible Podcast
I think those were the specific books… but there have been SO MANY more that have made a significant impact on my spiritual walk and journey out of Adventism!